15 August 2023

Last day trips of the season - Archipelago expeditions by m/s Sjöbris

Despite a rainy summer, s/s Blidösund has created wonderful archipelago memories for our passengers. The day trips have gone to various islands in the Stockholm archipelago, such as Håkanskär, Stockholmen, Marö, Sundskär, Ormskär and Björskär. Now the season is over for s/s Blidösund's day trips, but we have our sea expeditions with m/s Sjöbris to offer before we welcome the fall which is...

Week 34, m/s Sjöbris goes on its expedition starting at 08:00 from Slussen next to the Djurgården ferries. Read more and book here

m/s Sjöbris operating a jetty in the archipelago, blue sea and green land.